Call of Duty 4 - Clan Server Rules


1. No vulgar or racist player names, including player names containing swear words.

2. No use of racist taunts or anti-faith remarks.

3. No foul language, swearing or cussing, inc. abbreviated swear words.

4. No obnoxious or disruptive behaviour, bragging or saying things to belittle other players, including arguing in chat.

5. No deliberate repeated team killing.

6. No hacking/glitching or behaving in a way as to disrupt the natural flow of the Game.

7. No team switching to get on the winning team, and preferably all KoF members (and hopefully public players) must auto-assign every round to keep teams balanced so teams can not be stacked unfairly on purpose.

8. No Martyrdom in the KoF server.


9. Recruiting for clans other than KoF will result in an instant Ban with no warning.

Failure to comply with the above Rules will result in you being Kicked or Banned from the Server, and if you are a KoF member possibly being brought before the Clan to answer for your inappropriate behaviour.



These Rules are in addition to the Clan Rules

