Battlefield 2142 - Clan Rules for KoF Servers

1. No vulgar or racist player names, including player names containing swear words.

2. No use of racist taunts or anti-faith remarks.

3. No foul language, swearing or cussing, inc. abbreviations in order to circumvent the Server auto-ban.

4. No obnoxious or disruptive behaviour, bragging or saying things to belittle another player - including calling players “noobs” or any variation of the word, and no ‘tea-bagging’.

5. No deliberate repeated team-killing or team vehicle damage.

6. No attacking the Non-Cap (uncapturable bases / UCB) unless SpecOps/Recon and they have entered the base covertly in order to destroy assets. In the process of destroying assets the player must not fire on the enemy unless they are fired upon first.

7. No stealing vehicles from Non-Cap.

8. No artying or EMPing the Non-Cap.

9. No flying over or repeatedly around Non-Cap unless dropping SpecOps/Recon teams or dog-fighting.

10. No stats-padding, glitching or behaving in a way as to abnormally inflate your score – including disrupting the natural flow of the Game, using exploits to gain unfair advantages unintended in the original Game design, and any other behaviour which contravenes EA guidelines/EULA for servers.

11. No taking the Commander position and not fulfilling the assigned duties. Commanders, where possible, should stay away from the conflict in order to give their full attention to the overall battle & they must not pilot aircraft.

12. Recruiting for clans other than KoF will result in an instant Ban with no warning.

Failure to comply with the above Rules will result in you being kicked or banned from the Servers, and if you are a KoF member possibly being brought before the Clan to answer for your inappropriate behaviour.

Clarification of Attacking Non-Cap (UCB) Rule #6 in Conquest mode - Boundaries:

Camp Gibraltar


Cerbere Landing

Tunis Harbor

Fall of Berlin


Shuhia Taiba

Sidi Power Plant

Suez Canal
