Battlefield 2 - Clan Rules for KoF Servers

1. No vulgar and/or racist player names, including player names containing swear words.

2. No use of racist taunts and/or anti-faith remarks.

3. No use of foul language, swearing and/or inappropriate phrases including the use of symbols in order to circumvent the Server auto-Ban.

4. No obnoxious and/or disruptive behaviour including taunting, bragging, bullying and no "tea-bagging".

5. No acting in a disrespectful manner.

6. No deliberate repeated team killing or team vehicle damage.

7. No attacking the uncapturable bases (UCB / Non-Cap) or surrounding areas unless they are SpecOps & they have entered the base covertly to C4 the radar, UAV or artillery guns. 1 Medic & 1 Supply player may accompany Spec Ops, but they must not fire on the enemy unless they are fired upon first.

8. No vehicle theft from uncapturable Non-Cap bases with the exception of taking one non-armoured or air vehicle to evacuate a SpecOps team.

9. No repeated flying over or around uncapturable bases unless they are Para dropping SpecOps teams or dog-fighting. When dog-fighting you must have previously engaged in the fight away from the uncapturable base, you must not commence a dog-fight with an aircraft in the process of taking off or landing at the uncapturable base & care must be taken not to release weapons on ground troops or stationary vehicles at the uncapturable base.

10. No bombing of Commander assets that are located inside the uncapturable bases. Artillery guns, radar & UAV, which are clearly located outside the uncapturable bases may be attacked by air.

11. No destroying or using C4 on unoccupied vehicles at the uncapturable bases.

12. No camping from your uncapturable base, if you lock onto an aircraft from your uncapturable base you become a fair target.

13. No Cartillery or Crateillery. Vehicle drop must be used solely for the purpose of delivering a vehicle to a teammate. Supply crate must be used solely for the purpose of delivering supplies to a teammate. They must not be used as a weapon or a means of hindering the opposing team.

14. No stats-padding, glitching or behaving in a way as to abnormally inflate your score- including disrupting the natural flow of the Game, using exploits to gain unfair advantages unintended in the original Game design, and any other behaviour which contravenes EA guidelines/EULA for servers.

15. No taking the Commander position & not fulfilling the assigned duties.
Commanders, where possible, should stay away from the conflict in order to give their full attention to the overall battle & they must not pilot aircraft.

16. Recruiting for clans other than KoF will result in an instant Ban with no warning.

Failure to comply with the above Rules will result in you being Kicked or Banned from the Servers, and if you are a KoF member possibly being brought before the Clan to answer for your inappropriate behaviour.

Clarification of Attacking UCB (Non-Cap) Rule #6, in Strike at Karkand Infantry Only

No MEC soldier must pass the solid red line i.e. proceed past the raised ground onto the hill.

It is, however, perfectly acceptable to shoot or grenade into the area past the red line.